What determines the gain from the Honor policy and Aztec unique ability?

Solution 1:

According to my testing:

Aztec culture from kills =
Honor culture from barbarians =
Honor finisher gold from kills =

So killing a Pikeman (strength 10) as Aztec with full honor tree gives 10 culture and 10 gold.


  • Ranged units provide culture/gold according to their regular strength, not ranged strength.
  • Only the base strength is considered, bonuses (terrain / great general / promotions etc.) do not matter.
  • Killing a unit with a city does not generate culture or gold (or xp).
  • If you're supposed to get both culture and gold from a kill, only one of the floating numbers will appear, either purple or yellow; but both values are correctly awarded.
  • Culture awards from Aztec UA and from the Honor opener stack, so barbarian units provide 2 x strength culture per kill in that case.
  • The culture is only credited to your civ total. It does not get credited to any city and therefore does not help increase your borders.