How to easily kill the Wither?

Ever since I've defeated the Ender Dragon I've been preparing to go against the Wither Boss. What is the easiest way to defeat him?

Solution 1:

If you are looking for a farming type of setup, you can create a chamber in the top of the Nether of 3 blocks tall with the roof being the bed rock layer. In the floor place a piston pointing up. Build the Wither on the piston and as he is spawning, activate the piston to push his head into the bed rock block. This keeps it from moving around and taking shots at you.

Here is a video that demos it with another

of SethBling putting it to use.

Here is a example of fighting in a tight enclosed space that isn't totally safe. Basically the space is only large enough to spawn it in and for you to stand and watch.

Solution 2:

Spawn the Wither in the End.

1. The enviorment damages are tiny.
2. The Wither mostly attacks Endermen.
3. The Endermen get angry and attack the Wither, softening it.

Just make sure that you are properly armoured, that you have a good sword, and an Enchanted Golden Apple, and eventually, bows and arrows.

Then, skirmish at it and after it falls below 50% health, eat the Apple and attack it with the sword.

Also, make sure that the Wither doesn't fall into the Void.