Are these correct/meaningful sentences?

Sentence 1

Is it correct?
Syntactically and grammatically, it is correct. Though, I should mention that it is not formally written since you made use of the word "got" (pejorative in this case) instead of a more formal word such as "became" or "was".

Is it meaningful?
Yes, provided that context is given.

Sentence 2

Is it correct?
Yes. Although, there is absolutely no reason to employ the word "literally" here. You cannot figuratively be baffled; there's not a metaphorical or non-literal use of the word baffled – at least to my knowledge.

Is it meaningful?
Yes, provided that context is given.

Sentence 3

Is it correct?
No. Remove the word "if" and then it'll be grammatically and syntactically correct.

Is it meaningful?
Yes, provided that context is given.