Word for a celestial body?

What is a general word used to describe a celestial body such as a planet, moon, star, meteor, etc.?

I’m looking for a informal word to fill in the blank in this sentence:

This shuttle is smaller, designed to seat only the six questers, can move a lot faster, and has features specifically designed for unexplored ________<

I don’t want to get too specific and list out all the different types of space rocks the characters might end up on, but I also don’t want to use a technical term that might alienate the readers.

This shuttle is smaller, designed to seat only the six questers, can move a lot faster, and has features specifically designed for unexplored horizons.

How about frontiers? From Lexido:

frontier: The extreme limit of understanding or achievement in a particular area.

Your example:

This shuttle is smaller, designed to seat only the six questers, can move a lot faster, and has features specifically designed for unexplored frontiers.

Not too specific and not too technical, but encompasses all manner of celestial bodies and phenomena. Good enough for decades of Star Trek. In your example, I might say something more like "designed to explore new frontiers".