An owner of a large amount of land?

Is there a word, or a term, for a person who owns a large amount of land? "large" in the sense of "enough that the person would need to employ people not in his family to cultivate it".

This would be a sort of an English equivalent of "Kulak" in (post-1917 vernacular) Russian or "Latifundista" in Castillian.

Note: The word or term must specifically exclude small land-owners, people who cultivate their own land.

Solution 1:

A landowner :

is a person who owns land, especially a large amount of land.

  • ...rural communities involved in conflicts with large landowners.


You also have latifundist, but it is not a common term.

Solution 2:


gentleman-farmer, n.

A country gentleman engaged in farming, usually on his own estate; a farmer who holds a better social position than the generality of his class.

1802 Edinb. Rev. 1 111 The scarcity was produced by the higher order of farmers, whom he calls Gentlemen-farmers.

1864 C. Knight Passages Working Life I. i. 19 The ‘yeoman’ of those days..would now be recognised as ‘gentleman-farmer’.