What does "our Mayan moment" mean here?

Solution 1:

The author is using it to mean "the end of the world as we know it," in reference to the disaster movie that sensationalized the belief that, because the Maya Long Count Calendar ends in 2012, it somehow signifies apocalypse.

The author as much states that the passage of the NDAA signifies “one of the greatest rollbacks of civil liberties in the history of our country -- the American way of life defined by our Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights.”

Solution 2:

My best guess here is that he means "the end of our world". The "Mayan" part alludes to the widespread semi-serious idea that the world will end in 2012, based on a cycle in the Mayan calendar. Here the "Mayan moment" is the end of the libertarian world, based on the passage of NDAA.