Is "Beginner" a measurement of time, or skill? [closed]

The definition is:

A person just starting to learn a skill or take part in an activity

Which makes me think it's time-related, although I see it's used as a synonym for novice which relates to skill.

What exactly does it mean?

Solution 1:

If we think about these phrases, 'He is an eternal beginner.' (sarcastic- 'he never really learns') and 'He is a quick starter.' (praise- 'he learns pretty fast'), I think beginner relates to skill and not time. You begin to learn, and will be a beginner until you have learnt something.

Solution 2:

In my opinion: Skill unless referring to someone who founded something

You can be a beginner forever.


someone new to a field or activity initiate, tiro, tyro, novice
unskilled person - a person who lacks technical training
abecedarian - a novice learning the rudiments of some subject apprentice, prentice,
learner - works for an expert to learn a trade cub, greenhorn,
rookie - an awkward and inexperienced youth landlubber, landsman,
lubber - an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage fledgeling, fledgling, newbie, newcomer, entrant, freshman, neophyte,
starter - any new participant in some activity
tenderfoot - an inexperienced person (especially someone inexperienced in outdoor living)
trainee - someone who is being trained