include path and invalid escape character in VS code

Solution 1:

Thanks to @Andy Lin, my issue was resolved by changing the forward-slash "/" with a backslash "\": now the executable path is set in VS code.

I was facing the same issue: I downloaded PHP package but couldn't locate "php.exe", which is the main requirement in setting up the executable path in VS code.


First, you have to copy the location where PHP downloaded package is located and copy its path, for example in my case it is "C:\Program Files\php-7.4.5"

Set Path by going into properties of This Pc > Advance System Setting > Advance > Environment Variable

A window will pop up and there will be two types of variable: - User Variable - System Variable

Edit the path and add this PHP package location in both variables and check it in CMD: it works.

Now open VS code goto Preference > Setting: there will be an error indication:

No executable file of PHP is found

Copy that PHP package location and add simply "\php.exe" in it and change backslash to forward-slash.

Now your address should look like this: "C:/Program Files/php-7.4.5/php.exe".

Paste it in VS Code Setting.

"php.validate.executablePath": "C:/Program Files/php-7.4.5/php.exe"

Finally, restart VS Code: it should work.

Solution 2:

It has to be backslash "/" instead of slash "\", however, I have no idea why is backslash.

win10, my os, uses slash for path and vscode uses backslash....