how to solve program that sum of multiple number by 3 or 5 but only print number which is lower than its input

I wrote code like this using Python:

a = int(input("number = "))

def solution(a) :
    b = 1
    c = 0
    for b in range (1,a) :
        if b%3==0 or b%5==0 :
            c += b
            print("+",b,end=" ")
        if b>=a-1 :

But when I run this code it show's this:

number = 10
+ 3 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 23

How to delete + before number 3?

thank you

Solution 1:


a = int(input("number = "))

def solution(a) :
    b = 1
    c = 0
    for b in range (1,a) :
        #For first iteration
        if c == 0:
          if b%3==0 or b%5==0 :
            c += b
            print(b,end=" ")

        #For remaining numbers
        if c>b and b%3==0 or b%5==0:
            c += b
            print("+",b,end=" ")
        if b>=a-1 :