Gitlab CI/CD job's log exceeded limit

Solution 1:

To change the build log size of your jobs in Gitlab CI/CD, you can edit your config.toml file and add a new limit in kilobytes:

  output_limit = 10000

According to the documentation

output_limit : Maximum build log size in kilobytes. Default is 4096 (4MB).

For this to take effect, you need to restart the gitlab runner:

sudo gitlab-runner restart

Solution 2:

So an answer for those that don't have access to the gitlab-runners configuration file that @Ortomala Lokni refers too.

You can redirect the logger output and archive it quite easily by doing the following (Note: this is done for maven builds).

    extends: .retry-on-job-failure
    stage: quality-check
    timeout: 2 hours
        name: "$CI_BUILD"
            - target/client-quality_check.log
        when: always
        expire_in: 3 days
        - main
        - merge_requests
        - echo "Sonar Qube Start"
        - mvn MAVEN_CLI_OPTS sonar:sonar --log-file target/client-quality_check.log \-Dsonar.projectKey=$PROJECT_ KEY \$SONAR_HOST_URL \-Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN 
        - echo "Sonar Qube Complete"

Notice within the maven command I am using the --log-file to redirect the maven output to target/client-quality_check.log and then under artifacts I have set to archive this log file by providing the path to the file.

Once this Job finishes I can then look at the Jobs archives and can see my log file with all the logger output in it.