Microsoft Installer command line string parameter not working?

So I am trying to run a quite installation, with my msi, and it seems like I can easily pass a number for a parameter that I have, but I can't seem to pass in a string...I tried using single quotes ' and double quotes "

msiexec /i 'My Installer.msi' /quiet JREPATH="c:\\BLA BLA"

This and also the single quotes return this :

enter image description here

Now according to this article :

it should work...

Property values that are literal strings must be enclosed in quotation marks. Include any white spaces in the string between the marks.

msiexec /i A:\Example.msi PROPERTY="Embedded White Space"

There is no problem with the MSI, I assume this because if i pass a works...

msiexec /i 'My Installer.msi' /quiet JREPATH=3


It seems that the problem appears when I have a space in the value of the parameter..for example something like the example below works :

msiexec /i "WKFS ReportGenerator.msi" /quiet JREPATH="c:\\;;BLA"

This however doesn't:

msiexec /i "WKFS ReportGenerator.msi" /quiet JREPATH="c:\\;;BLA a"


These commands including spaces in the value work if using a simple cmd instead of PowerShell..

Solution 1:

If you invoke from Powershell, you should use the call operator & This should then also work with parameters enclosed in quotes:

& msiexec /i `"My Installer.msi`" /quiet JREPATH=`"c:\BLA BLA`"