Problem in recognizing conditional sentence

This could definitely be a remote conditional construction (CaGEL p748). It boils down to:

If Rahim thought (A), he would say (B).

being the counterpart of the open conditional:

If Rahim thinks (A), he will say (B).

The remote construction differs from the open in that it entertains the condition as being satisfied in a world which is potentially different from the actual world. Compare:

He won’t resign. If he did he would lose most of his superannuation entitlement.

Here we have a preterite form in the if... and a modal preterite would in the then... just like in your original statement. Both the condition and the outcome of that condition are clearly future events. We could also have this combination for a condition and outcome both in present time:

If Grannie were here, she would be invisible.

Again, this implies that the speaker thinks she's not here and hence the outcome, her being invisible, is not true.

In sum, there are at least three different possible interpretations depending on context: a condition that was satisfied at least once, but probably more than once, in the past with its accompanying outcome; a supposition about Rahim's actions under different conditions in the present; an event the speaker considers unlikely in the future with the accompanying outcome.