Get changes from master into branch in Git

Solution 1:

Check out the aq branch, and rebase from master.

git checkout aq
git rebase master

Solution 2:

You should be able to just git merge origin/master when you are on your aq branch.

git checkout aq
git merge origin/master

Solution 3:

First check out to master:

git checkout master

Do all changes, hotfix and commits and push your master.

Go back to your branch, 'aq', and merge master in it:

git checkout aq
git merge master

Your branch will be up-to-date with master. A good and basic example of merge is 3.2 Git Branching - Basic Branching and Merging.

Solution 4:

There is no guarantee that the master bug fixes are not amongst other commits, hence you can't simply merge. Do

git checkout aq
git cherry-pick commit1
git cherry-pick commit2
git cherry-pick commit3

assuming those commits represent the bug fixes.

From now on though, keep bug fixes in a separate branch. You will be able to just

git merge hotfixes

when you want to roll them all into the regular dev branch.