How to apologize for bringing in many issues at once?

Let's assume I have a one-on-one with my boss and I start bringing up the many issues that could be improved in the organization. How do I tone my criticism down a bit?

Something like: "Sorry for [machine gunning] issues, but could we also buy a coffee machine that makes stronger coffee?"

You could use the idiom piling it on: "Sorry for piling it on like this, but could we..."

The Free Dictionary defines piling it on as "To continue to add to something until the amount or effect becomes excessive".

You could also say, "Sorry for piling all these issues onto you, but could we..."

The Free Dictionary defines piling onto in this context as "To load many people or things on(to) someone or something all at once or in a heap."

You could also try "Sorry for dumping all these issues on you, but could we..."

The Free Dictionary defines dumping on in this context as "pouring out one's troubles to someone."

If you wanted to stick closely to your machine-gun image, you could say, "Sorry for the rapid-fire issues, but could we..."

I found a similar use of the word rapid-fire in the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary.

The alternative with dumping is perhaps a bit less elegant than those with piling or rapid-fire. As someone who worked in the corporate world for 25 years, my personal preference would be the simple piling it on, but that is, of course, just opinion.

FYI, in checking for duplicates, I found this on ELU, but I think it deals with a different context, one where someone is involved in an emotional situation, rather than a business discussion.