Jquery resizing image

Solution 1:

You need to recalculate width and height after first condition. Here is the code of entire script:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.story-small img').each(function() {
    var maxWidth = 100; // Max width for the image
    var maxHeight = 100;    // Max height for the image
    var ratio = 0;  // Used for aspect ratio
    var width = $(this).width();    // Current image width
    var height = $(this).height();  // Current image height

    // Check if the current width is larger than the max
    if(width > maxWidth){
        ratio = maxWidth / width;   // get ratio for scaling image
        $(this).css("width", maxWidth); // Set new width
        $(this).css("height", height * ratio);  // Scale height based on ratio
        height = height * ratio;    // Reset height to match scaled image

    var width = $(this).width();    // Current image width
    var height = $(this).height();  // Current image height

    // Check if current height is larger than max
    if(height > maxHeight){
        ratio = maxHeight / height; // get ratio for scaling image
        $(this).css("height", maxHeight);   // Set new height
        $(this).css("width", width * ratio);    // Scale width based on ratio
        width = width * ratio;    // Reset width to match scaled image

Solution 2:

A couple of suggestions:

  • Make this a function where you can pass in a max or min size, rather than hard-coding it; that will make it more reusable
  • If you use jQuery's .animate method, like .animate({width: maxWidth}), it should scale the other dimension for you automatically.

Solution 3:

Great Start. Here's what I came up with:

        var maxWidth = $(this).width(); // Max width for the image
        var maxHeight = $(this).height();   // Max height for the image
        $(this).css("width", "auto").css("height", "auto"); // Remove existing CSS
        $(this).removeAttr("width").removeAttr("height"); // Remove HTML attributes
        var width = $(this).width();    // Current image width
        var height = $(this).height();  // Current image height

        if(width > height) {
            // Check if the current width is larger than the max
            if(width > maxWidth){
                var ratio = maxWidth / width;   // get ratio for scaling image
                $(this).css("width", maxWidth); // Set new width
                $(this).css("height", height * ratio);  // Scale height based on ratio
                height = height * ratio;    // Reset height to match scaled image
        } else {
            // Check if current height is larger than max
            if(height > maxHeight){
                var ratio = maxHeight / height; // get ratio for scaling image
                $(this).css("height", maxHeight);   // Set new height
                $(this).css("width", width * ratio);    // Scale width based on ratio
                width = width * ratio;  // Reset width to match scaled image

This has the benefit of allowing you to specify both width and height while allowing the image to still scale proportionally.

Solution 4:

$(function() {
  $('.mhz-news-img img').each(function() {
    var maxWidth = 320; // Max width for the image
    var maxHeight = 200;    // Max height for the image
    var maxratio=maxHeight/maxWidth;
    var width = $(this).width();    // Current image width
    var height = $(this).height();  // Current image height
    var curentratio=height/width;
    // Check if the current width is larger than the max

        ratio = maxWidth / width;   // get ratio for scaling image
        $(this).css("width", maxWidth); // Set new width
        $(this).css("height", height *ratio); // Scale height based on ratio
        ratio = maxHeight / height; // get ratio for scaling image
        $(this).css("height", maxHeight);   // Set new height
        $(this).css("width", width * ratio);    // Scale width based on ratio