How do I know if the autovacuumer in postgres 8.3 is actually working?

I have a couple of postgres 8.3 databases, and they are showing symptoms of lack of vacuuming.

I've checked the config, and they are in the default state of having the autovacummer turned on. Also, I see in my postgres logs "autovacuum launcher started" when I start the database.

The problem is, I never actually see a vacuum running. I also never see anything in the logs about a vacuum taking place (should I be seeing anything?)

So how do I tell if the vacuumer is working? Is there a way to see when the last vacuum completed, for example? Better yet, is there some documentation someone can point me to with the answer to that question?


pg_stat_user_tables has columns last_autovacuum and last_autoanalyze. They will be updated whenever it does something.

At a higher level, PgSnap is your friend ;-)

Here is un example of last vaccuum report