How to disable Google Chrome's Auto-update feature?

Solution 1:

  1. Download a windows group policy template "Google Update Administrative Template" from Google Site.

  2. Open the editor by typing "gpedit.msc" into the search button on the start menu and click the resulting link

  3. Navigate to User Configuration - Administrative Templates Step 3

  4. Right click on Administrative Templates, select add/remove templates from menu bar.

  5. In the popup box click add button and navigate to where you downloaded the GoogleUpdate.adm file and then click close button Step 5Step 5-2

  6. You should find a new entry under Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Classic Administrative Templates called Google Step 6

  7. Navigate to Administrative Templates - Google - Google Update - Applications - Google Chrome.

  8. Right click on Update Policy Override and select edit.

  9. Click enabled button and in the scrollbar list under Policy choose Updates disabled and click OK

  10. To be sure that update not occur, Go to Start > Run > msconfig > Startup > Disable GoogleUpdater.exe

You have now stopped Google Updater from checking for updates for Google Chrome

Solution 2:

the best way to disable Google chrome auto update is as follows

  • Go to oldversion dot com and download old version of google
  • Use Advanced unsinstaller to completely uninstall current (Updated) version. This will also get rid of registry entries
  • Download update freezer and create a shortcut on desktop
  • Disable internet
  • Restart PC
  • With internet disabled, install old version of Chrome
  • Ope Update Freezer and Disable Google auto update

You are done