Use an unsigned driver in Windows 7 x64

This forum topic has multiple solutions, although the only one that has been confirmed to work by at least one person and has upvotes is this:

Open a command prompt as an admin and type

bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON

See security risk warning.

If it doesn't work for whatever reason you can just remove loadoptions with bcedit and switch testsigning off.

bcdedit /deletevalue loadoptions
bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF

If this breaks something for whatever reason sorry, good-luck.

EDIT: Other sources seem to also provide this as a solution, such as this (albeit for Windows Vista) and this

There are roughly three levels of security for kernel mode drivers:

  • Signed
  • Test signed / Self signed
  • Unsigned

Signed drivers will install normally, provided the certificate is valid etc.

Test signed drivers will require those bcdedit commands, since Windows normally does not normally accept self signed drivers. Kernel driver developers would typically run their Windows computer in test mode. The idea is that they can "self sign" their drivers. Test mode allows their self signed driver to be loaded. After testing is complete, the driver will still have to be signed.

Unsigned drivers will not be loaded. Not even in test mode, because they have to be at least test signed!

So that's when it is necessary to press the F8 key at boot time and choose Disable Driver Signature Enforcement. It is a last resort option.

Also note that the F8 setting is for that Windows session only and won't persist after a reboot. Kind of like the Windows 'safe mode' option.

From here, where can you go?

Either you accept having to press F8 each time or figure out how to self-sign your driver so you can at least load it in test mode.

Some further reading:

Installing an Unsigned Driver during Development and Test

Test Signing