How force Chrome to use search engine without https

Chrome's default search engine is

How we can force chrome to use without https?

I need a solution that allows proxies to rewrite my URLs, but https currently makes this impossible...

Solution 1:

In deed it is possible to configure any browser to use Google without SSL. This technique is called "NORD Technique" (I named it :-))

Quick (Temporary) Solution

It is sufficient to use "" as the search engine url.

Detailed (Permanent) Solution

For the sake of the question, I will make a step by step explanation for Google Chrome.

  • Open "Settings" panel.
  • Click "Manage search engines..." button under "Search" heading on the settings panel.
  • "Search Engines" pane has two sections: "Default search engines" and "Other search engines"
  • At the bottom of the "Other search engines" section, you'll see a form which we'll make use to add a new search engine. search engine add form
  • In that (above mentioned) form, fill in first two input boxes with whatever you like, I use "Google NonSSL" for the first input and "GoogleNonSsl" for the second. (First one is just a name, and second one is the keyword to use this engine)
  • Fill in the last input box with:
  • Press ENTER

At this phase it's enough to use Google w/o SSL by using the keyword you have chosen.

Further, we'll make this new added search engine the default search engine, so your all search es within the omnibar will use non-ssl Google. To do this, find the relevant listing row on the "Other search engines" list, hover it and click revealed "Make default" link.

That's all.

Solution 2:

You can manage your search engines in Google Chrome by going into the Wrench menu, selecting Preferences, and then clicking on Manage Search Engines (towards the bottom in the Search section).

Solution 3:

You cannot disable SSL if you are signed into your Google account. However, you can configure your network's DNS records using the NoSSLSearch option. See SSL Search at Google Help for more information.