What is word for "complaining without fully understanding"? [duplicate]

What do you call it when someone has a strong opinion about something without having any experience with that thing? For example, if someone writes an entire newspaper article about how disgusting pie is without having ever eaten pie.

The word lodged in my brain is "hypocritical", but I know that's not correct.

Solution 1:

Are you thinking of "prejudiced"?

Solution 2:

You might go with "closed-minded" or "small-minded" for the sense of not being interested in learning anything that might change their opinion, or perhaps "willfully ignorant" if you believe they've made a conscious decision not to educate themselves further about the matter.

I would describe what such a person is doing in that case as "speaking from ignorance" (in opposition to speaking from experience), but I can't come up with an existing word or phrase to describe someone as a person who routinely speaks from ignorance. To coin a phrase for it, I might go with "an oral flatulator."


The speaker has a preconceived bias.

Solution 3:

My answers:

  • prejudice
  • ignorance
  • naïveté

I voted up prejudice, I think it fits. In your comments you stated you want to emphasize the fact the prejudice is uniformed. In that case, I think you could just qualify the prejudice:

  • naive prejudice
  • ignorant prejudice
  • unfounded prejudice
  • groundless prejudice
  • uninformed prejudice


Solution 4:


Hypocritically self-righteous and condemnatory.


Feigning piety or righteousness

As in A sanctimonious smug bastard
