Is there a term for computer users who prefer keyboard shortcuts over a mouse?

Loosely, this person could be called a "superuser" or "power user" but those are broad terms that don't specifically refer to a user who avoids a computer's mouse or trackpad.

Over at the superuser stackexchange, their community tag description for "keyboard shortcut" uses 22 words to describe this profile. (I asked this question there but was referred here.)

All I can think of are generic terms like "hotkey enthusiast", but that got me wondering whether we have a specific word for this type of person.

Solution 1:

Strictly speaking this person would be a Typist, a long lost profession. In today's nomenclature they may be called either a manualist, for using their hands rather than their wrist. Though a more specific term for their use of fingers might be a Digitalist.

Since they are not typing words so much as hot-keying or keyboarding rather than mousing they could be described as a Keyboardist. This would be distinct from a Typist who types words. A Keyboardist is instead one who accomplishes their text and screen manipulations using the hot-key combinations available on the keyboard.

I think one who accomplishes these things by pawing and scratching with the mouse might be called a Mouser, what used to be a respectable term for a cat that might actually take the initiative in catching tiny rodents.