Listen or listening?

Which one of these two phrases is correct:

  1. Enjoying my first listen of the new album.

  2. Enjoying my first listening of the new album.

Both might look questionable at first blush, but it turns out that #1 seems to be gramatically correct.

"Listen" is used fairly often as a noun, as another post on this site noted (The Phrase 'Take a Listen'). As commentators on that post noted, whether or not that usage is too colloquial seems to be a matter of opinion. Apparently, however, "listen" has been used as a noun for a couple of centuries. At least one dictionary documents this usage in 1788 (

"Listening", as a gerund, functions by definition as a noun. This site offers many examples of how it could be used in a sentence: None of those, however, accompanies the word with one or more adjectives, as #2 does. It doesn't sound quite right in #2, and this may be due to the use of "my first" before it. There are, of course, plenty of adjectives that can be idiomatically used with "listening" (ex: "active", "careful", "respectful", etc., but the combination offered in #2 does not sound as though it should be among them.