What is a word or phrase that describes two ideas that historically were at odds now being in harmony with one another? [closed]

I'm working on a project related to innovation in manufacturing. I'm trying to find a word or phrase that describes two ideas that used to be considered in conflict with one another now being in harmony because of innovation and technological advancements.

Solution 1:

If two things are in opposition but come into agreement, they reconcile:

1 a : to restore to friendship or harmony
// reconciled the factions
// reconcile differences
2 : to make consistent or congruous
// reconcile an ideal with reality

For example:

The married couple who had found themselves in opposition over the buying a car with either automatic or manual transmission reconciled when they found a car with dual-mode transmission that allowed them to switch between the two as they desired.

Using the word in the case of the scenario in the question would rely on more context. However, a rough attempt at such a sentence without any more detail could be something like this:

The previously opposed ideas were reconciled through an innovation that allowed them to coexist without conflict.

A different word, that puts more focus on the innovation itself, is unify.

Solution 2:



verb (used without object), co·a·lesced, co·a·lesc·ing.

--to grow together or into one body:

The two lakes coalesced into one.

--to unite so as to form one mass, community, etc.:

The various groups coalesced into a crowd.

--to blend or come together:

Their ideas coalesced into one theory.

verb (used with object), co·a·lesced, co·a·lesc·ing.

--to cause to unite in one body or mass.