apache directory listing, download all

Is there any Windows tool or some way to download all the folders and files recursively from apache directory listing?

sample folder


wget for windows (or http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/wget.htm)

Once installed it's as simple as: -

wget -m -np http://eamos.pf.jcu.cz/amos/kat_inf/externi/

The -m is an alias for --mirror. As a commenter noted, you probably want -np or --no-parent so that you don't go up in the directory structure. You might also want to add --wait=5 so you don't thrash the web server, --convert-links if you want local links in the html file when it's done, and --execute="robots = off" if you're not getting all of the files (ignores robots.txt file). Altogether now:

wget --execute="robots = off" --mirror --convert-links --no-parent --wait=5 http://eamos.pf.jcu.cz/amos/kat_inf/externi/