What single word reflects the feelings/emotions behind “smh”?

What single word describes how one feels when another person says something that doesn’t make sense?

I’ve often seen people use shaking my head or scratching my head (“smh”) online. I’m wondering what feelings/emotions pertain to “smh”.

I’m looking for a word that would denote a mild feeling/emotion more akin to when something is ridiculous, absurd, illogical, or laughable.

Example: So and so said something so laughable I feel _____.

Solution 1:

I've always equated smh with exasperation:

1 : the state of being exasperated

: having or showing strong feelings of irritation or annoyance

// an exasperated sigh

In other words, you're frustrated and can't believe there's a good reason behind something being the way it is. It annoys you.

For example:

Why do some small items always come in plastic packaging 10 times the size of the item itself, requiring minutes of effort with a sharp object to open? *smh*

Solution 2:

It might depend on the reason for shaking one's head, but it could be dismay at what someone else just said or did, in which case the feeling might be consternation.