Term for varies with jurisdiction

Is there a term for the concept of homo/heterogeneity of jurisdictions when it comes to legal status of a certain action? That is being illegal in all jurisdictions [limited to context] or being legal in some an illegal in others.

For example:

  • theft is illegal everywhere
  • being naked varies

Ideally a short expression, e.g. uneven legal status or something like that.

In somewhat informal American English the term patchwork is frequently used to denote inconsistencies of law among the various states that make up the U.S.A., or among yet more local jurisdictions. Thus the Merriam-Webster entry for the word includes as examples “A patchwork of laws prevent the land from being developed,” and “a patchwork system of laws.”

In my own experience this usage is derogatory, and primarily employed by corporate interests pretending that such heterogeneity creates high logistical hurdles for business (as if, in this age of computers!)—when the real reason for their favoring uniform and supervening federal law is that the national legislature is easier to bribe into the service of the corporate interest.