Subject + be + verb + ed, what grammar structure is it?

I have a question about this sentence:

Yesterday I was awarded.

I don't understand: is it a passive sentence? Or is it: Subject + was + adjective. Is the word awarded an adjective?

Same question about this sentence:

I am imprisoned for my religious beliefs.

Is imprisoned an adjective or is it a passive sentence?


Solution 1:

This is the verb "to award" used according to the following syntax.

award (sb) sth, award sth (to sb) OALD

In your sentence the voice is the passive voice; you can see from the entry in the dictionary that you need an object;

  • Yesterday I was awarded a new compensation/a prize for my work on…/an honorary degree/…

"Imprisoned" is a past participle employed in the passive voice. Since you can say "They imprisoned me for my religious beliefs." the -ed form is not an adjective.