What phrase is used for computer scan distortion like in funhouse mirrors?

The Google Books computer optical scan of page 92 of With the yacht and camera in eastern waters, by the 9th Earl of Cavan, exhibits some distortion, probably due to page motion during scan. What is this kind of distortion called, or how is it referred to? page 92 of book

Edit 1: (Pursuant to Eduardo's comments) Scrolling down to page 98 one can see what appears to be part of the page-flipper device raising the left-hand page, causing it to crease along the line at edge of distortion.

bottom edge of page 98

Solution 1:

That image looks a lot like a curvature distortion (you can see how the distortion follows a line where the paper seems to be lifted in the bottom and wrinkled as you start going through it upwards).

There are algorithms that attempt to correct that type of distortion called curvature correction algorithms. Here is an example of the final effect of them:

curvature distortion algorithm in action

Solution 2:

Various wave-type distortion algorithms can be applied to images to modify as needed.

enter image description here

Could a glitch in the scanning system cause a similar distortion? The document itself need not have been physically distorted, moved, disturbed or otherwise changed in anyway.