Can I safely complete all assignments after the final mission?

I'm currently working on my second playthrough of Mass Effect 2. In the first, I skipped the N7 and DLC assignments because I wanted to save them for my completionist playthrough (this one). I'm currently planning on doing them after I finish the final mission, however, I want to make sure that I'm not going to end up with any of them locked out or blocked because of changing circumstances after you finish the main story.

If I decide to wait to complete these assignments until after the going through the Omega 4 Relay and beating the final boss, will I still be able to complete them all?

There is a possibility of locking yourself out of some things here:

If you somehow do not survive the suicide attack, your game will end after the final mission, so you will not be able to complete anything else after that.

If you did not do the loyalty missions of a few followers and they die on the suicide mission, then you will not be able to finish their quests afterwards.

If you somehow ran out of money and can't buy fuel, you won't be able to visit sectors not containing a mass relay.

Other than that, after the suicide mission you will be placed back in your ship and have the chance to explore and do whatever you want. Some DLCs, such as the Shadowbroker, actually makes more sense to complete after the suicide mission since the dialog is geared towards that.