What are the unique benefits from each crafting skill in SWTOR?

Solution 1:

Currently only that Cybertech and Biochem have BOP craftable items.

Bioware has announced via interviews with devs and Bioware community leaders that they are imminently adjusting some of those Biochem stims, and at the same time adding more BOP items to all of the crafting crew skills, so you aren't forced to be Biochem during end game just to use those BOP stims to survive Hard mode flashpoints/operations. They want to make it so every crafting profession has something useful and unique at level 50.

Any discussion on the unique benefits of BOP craftable items at this point won't be applicable in a month or two.

UPDATE: Georg Zoeller (Bioware) recently posted: "We're actually moving away from [BOP craftable items]. Most crafted items in the upcoming Game Update 1.2 will be freely tradeable."