Fingers&pies idiom

I've found an article on SE about an double idiom 'finger in the pie/in every pie'. However, the reason I've been searching the meaning of this idiom is another phrase I'd come upon in a book. The very phrase is like,

it is a simple and correct assumption to make that secret society culture is more fingers than pie

The question is: has this phrase something to do with an idiom meant above, or is this a self-standing idiom (which meaning I still cannot find anywhere through browsing).

If this could be of any help, the sourcebook itself was talking about practice of taking part in secret societies in Victorian England (Freemasonry, GoldenDawn, whatever).

To "have a finger in the pie" is to be involved in something, often when your involvement is not wanted Cambridge. I suspect that this idiom derives from the "Little Jack Horner" Mother Goose nursery rhyme, which, some sources say, was a reference to a situation where a public official literally reached into a pie that was given him and pulled out a deed to some property, as a bribe.

"More fingers than pie" isn't a common idiom, but it implies that there is more than one hand reaching into the "pie", trying to extract something of value, but there simply is not enough of this figurative "pie" to go around.