difference between "I'm teasing" and "I'm kidding"

Is there any difference between "teasing" and "kidding"?


Kidding, strictly an informal or vernacular term, usually describes someone giving a statement, in friendly interaction, that has a literal meaning in contrast to his actual beliefs, as in the sense of an ironic or deceptive joke.

(The term does not indicate being deceitful as someone would find seriously harmful, only at most causing moderate discomfort.)

The other response correctly explains that to kid is rarely used in any form other than progressive, as above, though rarely some will say "I kid" for affectation. Also, have never encountered the term in a simple past form. Neither "earlier I kid you" or "earlier I kidded you" would be acceptable.

Teasing, equally suitable for formal and informal language, describes statements or actions, also in friendly interaction, that deliberately make another temporarily feel slight discomfort or confusion, in order to promote friendship and bonding.

It might include casual deception, or it might include only true statements, or no statements at all. Thus, acts described as kidding might be considered a kind teasing, whereas teasing carries a more general meaning.

Further, teasing is used commonly in a sexual or flirtatious context, as when one deliberately generates a tension between building toward and retreating from an intimate interaction.


A: Did you check the lottery draw?
B: Yes, I won. I'm rich.
A: Are you kidding me or did you really win?
B: I'm only kidding, of course. I didn't win. I never do.
A: You know I don't like it when you tease.
B: How can we have fun without ever teasing each other?

Striptease describes an art form in which a performer removes clothing in a sexually-suggestive way, such as to cause an onlooker to want her to achieve a greater final state of undress or to proceed at a greater speed than he observes that she actually does.

There are important differences even if both are much founded on joking. The contentions exposed below can be verified on the whole at the entries of the OALD for the verbs in comparison : kid, tease.

1/ "Kidding" does not necessarily involve "making fun" and/or "irritating" whereas "teasing" does.
2/ "Kidding" involves a lie or lies whereas "teasing" does not necessarily do so and can be based on a distortion of reality such as exaggeration or particular biases that can be found in it or given to it.

However, whether a bout of kidding or of teasing it can always be ended by "[I'm/we are/they are] [just/only] joking.".

Grammatically, there is also an important difference: the verb "to kid" is usually used in the progressive tenses whereas this is not so for "to tease".