Button states with Background as AnimationDrawable in Android

You're doing incorrect cast -- your background drawable is StateListDrawable, not AnimationDrawable. I'd rather do something like:

public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
  btn = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btnAnim);
  StateListDrawable background = (StateListDrawable) btn.getBackground();
  Drawable current = background.getCurrent();
  if (current instanceof AnimationDrawable) {
      btnAnimation = (AnimationDrawable) current;

My answer is a bit late, I know, but I faced the same issue. I checked a lot of solutions, but found only one. I have tried to start the animation in onWindowFocusChanged(), start the animation in aseparate thread, but it doesn't help.

I solved this issue using setVisible (boolean visible, boolean restart)

So you can try this:

    private Button ImgBtn;
    private AnimationDrawable btnAnimation;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        btn = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button1);
        StateListDrawable background = (StateListDrawable) btn.getBackground();
        btnAnimation = (AnimationDrawable) background.getCurrent();
        btnAnimation.setVisible(true, true); // it works even in onCreate()        

Hope this will help somebody :)