How can "lebensphasenorientierte Personalpolitik" be translated to English?

In German, "lebensphasenorientierte Personalpolitik" describes a human resource policy that adapts to the life stages of employees, and enables a work-life balance.

Is there an equivalent English technical term for this?

The literal translation "Life stage oriented human resource policy" does not seem to be the proper term.

Solution 1:

If you want to stick to a shorter phrase, I would make the following suggestion:

Employee-oriented personnel policy

I think Emplyoee can stand in for: stage in life of the eployee. The crux here is the word life you don't need to have it explicit and force the translation. Your initial german phrase needs to be adapted so that it conveys the same core idea but for an english speaking audience, I think now it's something like this:

Mitarbeiterorientierte Personalpolitik