How to set a gradient background in a Material Button from Material Components?

Starting with the version 1.2.0-alpha06 you can use the android:background attribute in the MaterialButton.

    ... />

Otherwise if you can't use the 1.2.0-alpha06 or higher you have to use the AppCompatButton component.

Just a some tips about the MaterialButton.

  • Currently the backgroundTint is still the default MaterialButton style.
    If you are using a custom android:background, you have to make sure to null out backgroundTint (either app:backgroundTint="@null" or app:backgroundTint="@empty"), to avoid that the custom background doesn't get tinted.
  • using a custom android:background the default MaterialShapeDrawable is not used. Some features like stroke, shapeappearance, ripple are not set (since they are related to the MaterialShapeDrawable) . You have to provide them with your custom background.

From the documentation for MaterialButton:

Do not use the android:background attribute. MaterialButton manages its own background drawable, and setting a new background means MaterialButton can no longer guarantee that the new attributes it introduces will function properly. If the default background is changed, MaterialButton cannot guarantee well-defined behavior.

The only supported way to modify the background of the button is to set a color value to the app:backgroundTint attribute. Unfortunately, gradients are not supported here either; you can only use a simple color value or a ColorStateList.

So, there is no supported way to use a gradient background with MaterialButton.