past-participle–modifier placement [duplicate]

Consider the two sentences:

The number of the analyzed data sheets exceeds 1000.

The number of the data sheets analyzed exceeds 1000.

Which position of the past participle "analyzed" is correct? Why? If both are right, is there a difference in the meaning? (An aside: one can rewrite the sentence to "More than 1000 data sheets have been analyzed" or similar, but that's not the point here.)

Solution 1:

Both positions are correct. The difference is subtle—a matter of focus. Either way, some data sheets were analyzed by someone or something and can now be characterized as analyzed.

To simplify, let's make data sheets into the head noun and add some context . . .

Focus on the action of analyzing:

Researchers analyzed some data sheets.

The data sheets that researchers analyzed exceed 1000. (relative clause—active)

The data sheets that were analyzed [by researchers] exceed 1000. (relative clause—passive)

The data sheets analyzed exceed 1000. (reduced relative clause—passive)

Focus on the result of analyzing:

Researchers analyzed some data sheets.

Now those data sheets are analyzed data sheets.

The analyzed data sheets exceed 1000.