I am unable to find out the parts of speech in following sentence

At what hour is the sun right above us.

Us = pronoun (object of preposition)

Above =. preposition Right. = Adv modifying the prepositional phrase

The determiner Sun noun Is. linking verb At what hour=???

Solution 1:

Using the Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger tool and using the Penn Treebank Project's POS tags (1993), your sentence has the following parts of speech:

enter image description here

AT_Preposition or subordinating conjunction
HOUR_noun, singular or mass

IS_3rd person singular present verb
SUN_noun, singular or mass
ABOVE_Preposition or subordinating conjunction
US_personal pronoun

Solution 2:

Another way to phrase the question is:

When is the sun right above us?

When is an adverb, so At what hour shoud be an Adverbial Phrase.

Adbervial Phrase