How to restart MAAS

I can't work out how to restart MAAS, can anyone help? There's nothing in /etc/init.d that I can see.



Look inside /etc/init for the conf files instead. You'll find some of the MaaS support services. In addition to restarting the apache server (for the region site) MaaS has quite a bunch, depending on what you need restarted.

There's dhcp.

sudo service maas-dhcpd restart

The cluster daemon,which is essentially the provision manager including twisted and TFTP.

sudo service maas-clusterd restart

The bind9/named service which is vanilla but has maas configs & zones inside.

sudo service bind9 restart

As a hack, this is what I usually do:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller

Do NOT change anything. Simply press ENTER. It would stop some of the processes you may need restarted. After the ENTER, it would start them back up. +1 for the answer from lanous.

If MAAS was installed via snap, use sudo snap restart maas.supervisor