WiFi randomly? disconnects until reboot on Ubuntu 20.04

As a newcomer to Ubuntu Linux I followed the various clever folks reset wifi driver code / command solutions to my random drop out of wifi problem on Ubuntu 20.04. However, it appears that I have also found it was in fact a hardware problem with the wifi adapter card connection, just like @sanguine had. With Windows 10 wifi drop out hadn't been a problem I was aware of, in changing OS to Ubuntu the problem manifested itself as a random but regular occurrence, especially in the days leading up to 1/11/2021. As per the @chili555 advice I followed the instructions for my HP Envy Laptop and removed and reinserted the wifi adapter card and rebooted Ubuntu. You can see that now on Nov 4th I haven't yet had to reboot to restore wifi for more than 72 hours. So be aware that many hours can be spent tracking through software solutions when a relatively quick hardware operation might solve the problem. I will now see how it goes from here with bated breath after each sleep / suspend event. I have learnt more about the functioning of Ubuntu during this process, so thanks to all that have contributed their software solutions.

|david@david-HP-ENVY|-Notebook:~$| last | grep reboot| |:----|:-----------:|:--------------:|:---------------:|------:| |reboot system boot:|5.11.0-38-generi|Mon Nov 1 12:48|still running| |reboot system boot|5.11.0-38-generi| Sun Oct 31 22:13 |- 23:48 (01:34)| |reboot system boot|5.11.0-38-generi|Sun Oct 31 16:03| - 22:13 (06:09)| |reboot system boot|5.11.0-38-generi|Sat Oct 30 20:40| - 16:03 (20:22)| |reboot system boot|5.11.0-38-generi|Fri Oct 29 20:43| - 20:40 (23:56)| |reboot system boot|5.11.0-38-generi|Thu Oct 28 22:28| - 20:42 (22:14)| david@david-HP-ENVY-Notebook:~$

After the above I did experience one further WIFI drop out but that may have been caused by my dual boot system with Windows 10 doing an unexpected Win 10 update automatically, and then the grub booting into Ubuntu on the Win 10 update restart - systems being betwixt and between causing some temporary instability I believe.

However, this prompted me to look again at the WIFI drop out issue again and I also found a link on how to disable the power saving function on the Wifi Adapter. It seems that the power saving function could cause conflicts on restart from sleep / suspend. I used this instruction provided by @Jeremy31 on the link More wifi issues - Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 ath10k_pci to disable power saving during sleep / suspend - It changes (3) enabled to (2) disabled

    sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

Reverse the (2) and (3) in the above instruction to re-enable the power saving mode.

Since doing the above change I have not experienced the WIFI dropping out randomly. Long may that situation continue!

I also experienced wifi dropout on a new Lenovo w/ Intel Wifi 6. I tried upgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 21.04 then 21.10 and also the wifi.powersave = 2 config change with no success. It looks like power management is the issue as changing Settings-Power-PowerMode to Performance has solved the issue, at least for me