Can I use "be able to" and "can/could" in same sentence? [closed]

Can I use "can/could" and "be able to" in the same sentence?.

Is it grammatically correct?

Which one is correct?

She can speak English well.

She is able to speak English well.

She can able to speak English well.

Please guide me.

Thanks in advance.

She can able to speak English well.

This is wrong because

  1. "Can" is a modal verb and modal verbs cannot have a "to" infinitive. speak....English well.

.S. modal verb infinitive...Noun...adverb

  1. In the sentence "She can able to speak English well", the adjective "able" is being used as an adverb, and this is not possible. The adverb from able is ably. "She can ably speak English well." is probably grammatically correct but it is horrible as *ably** and **well* are too close in meaning and the sentence is not idiomatic at all.