Word for "soft blow/slap" (in a physical sense)

I would like to find a word for when you hit someone, but in a playful "no hard feelings" kind of way.

Like when you see a friend, you slap them in the arm or whatever, or the sort of thing you would expect from a game like the circle game.

Something that conveys that the hit is not truly coming out of rage or intended to cause harm or damage.

I need this as I need to write about something and if I do 'I hit him on the arm', it could convey a much different message to the reader. Like there was some physical assault going on.

So which word(s) could I use instead?

Solution 1:

The word pat can be used here, given by Lexico as


Touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand.
he patted him consolingly on the shoulder


A quick, light touch with the hand.
Scotty gives Johnny a friendly pat on the arm before leaving the room

A pat means a friendly or reassuring touch and isn't easily confused with an assault.

The word pat is also used in the phrase

pat someone on the back
Express approval of or admiration for someone

and in this case it is used as a metaphor.