What is measurement of the right angle assuming the figure is a square? [closed]

Usually, the right angle is 90 degrees but in a square using the Centroid Formula creates a right angle that is quite different from the normal angle. Centroid Formula= X̄A = ∑(XiAi) or. ȳA = ∑(YiAi) Here is the breakdown of the variables in the equation for the X-Axis centroid, X̄ = The location of the centroid in the X-Axis. A = The total area of all the shapes. Xi = The distance from the datum or reference axis to the center of the shape i. I have been searching for about 2 months and I still am stumped.

If I understand you correctly perhaps this will help. The definition of a right angle is 90 degrees. Although the definition gives the typical Square as an example of what a right angle is, you are obviously not talking about a typical Square. A right angle is 90 degrees - no more, no less. A right angle isn't something that exists because of the square, the square exists because of the right angle.