How can I test all zip files in a folder to verify if they are corrupted or not?

Solution 1:

Find every zip-file in every subfolder

This will find in all subfolders of the current folder (.) the files (-type f) with the extension zip (or ZIP or Zip or zIp and so on, case is ignored, -iname) and test their integrity (option -t) being quiet (option -q, together -tq). Being quite means: Not list the content of the zip-file, but only report test result.

find . -type f -iname '*.zip' -exec unzip -tq {} \;

Just current folder (no subfolders)

If you just want to check the files in the current directory, and not in any subfolders, use

unzip -tq '*.[Zz][Ii][Pp]'

in the directory with the zip files. This also checks for file extensions ZIP or Zip or zIp and so on, case is ignored.

Solution 2:

On Windows I use 7zip: it provides a graphical user interface, is free and supports a wide range of archive file formats including zip.

Navigate to the given folder you want to analyze on Windows Explorer. Search for *.zip, select all files, right-click, select "Test Archive"

enter image description here

Then wait (note that it takes around 10 minutes for explorer.exe to go through 100,000 .zip before 7z start testing):

enter image description here

Solution 3:

erik's answer didn't work for me on a Mac but this works for zips in current folder and all subfolders:

find . -name '*.zip' -exec unzip -tq {} \;

Outputs this for each file:

No errors detected in compressed data of ./