How to add month to date in LibreOffice calc

This seems like an obvious question.

I have a date column, and I want to create a formula to increase it by one month for each column.

10/2013, 11/2013, 12/2013, 1/2014, 2/2014, ...

How do you add one month to a date?

The currently favored answer will skip short months that follow long ones

Set A1=2014-01-31 Then the result using =DATE(YEAR(A1), MONTH(A1)+1, DAY(A1)) will be 2014-03-03, thus skipping February.

The EDATE approach suggested above loses days

Short months cause EDATE to drop days for successive months. E.g. =EDATE(DATE(2014,1,31),1) does produce 2014-02-28, but applying it again results in 2014-03-28, which is not the last day in March.

A solution that does work: increment months with the day set to zero

Set the day to zero, and increment months, while being one month ahead. E.g. To start in January use DATE(2014,2,0) => 2014-01-31 then DATE(2014,3,0) => 2014-02-28, then DATE(2014,4,0) -> 2014-03-31 as one would expect by logically following the last day of each month.

Other approaches

Adjustments can be made if you want the last working day in the month, or 30 day increments while not skipping months, etc. Depends on the objective.

  • edate returns the date that is the specified number of months after or before the specified date.
  • First argument of edate :start date.
  • Second argument of edate : number of month. If negative, edate calculates the date before.

As given in reference: Date Arithmetic, this adds one to the month:


Using LibreOffice Version: (x64)

Row    Formula                   Result
A11    +DATE(2020,3,1)           03/01/20
A12    +DAYSINMONTH(A11) + A11   04/01/20
A13    +DAYSINMONTH(A12) + A12   05/01/20
A190   +DAYSINMONTH(A189) + A189 02/01/35

I copied the formula cell in row A12, to a mass select from A13 to a190, and pasted. The result is what I expected.