Are you also supposed to spell out *decimal* numbers under 100? [closed]

I know that you are supposed to "spell out" numbers under 100 in texts, such as:

Sue had seventy-five cows.

Rather than:

Sue had 75 cows.

But what about numbers under 100 which are not "full" numbers but decimals?

Betty had fifty point seven apples.

That just looks weird. Surely, for such cases, you do:

Betty had 50.7 apples.

... right?

Here are the rules for APA, as reported by this PDF:

Use numbers to express:
a. numbers 10 and above
d. numbers that represent statistical or mathematical functions, fractional or decimal quantities, percentages, ratios, and percentiles and quartiles


Use words to express:
b. common fractions [one-fifth of the class; two-thirds majority]

So for your example you would write 50.7 apples.