Ubuntu 17.10 kernel panic not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

I am getting a kernel panic "not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" with kernel 4.13.0-43 on Ubuntu 17.10. I can boot just fine with 4.13.0-41. After a successful boot using 4.13.0-41 I can get 4.13.0-43 to boot if I boot in text mode and remove the quiet and splash options. Anyone have any ideas as to what is happening? My disk drive is a 250Gb disk with one partition (I accepted the default options when I installed the system).

Solution 1:

After checking the SMART status, lets check your file system...

To check the file system on your Ubuntu partition...

  • boot to the GRUB menu
  • choose Advanced Options
  • choose Recovery mode
  • choose Root access
  • at the # prompt, type sudo fsck -f /
  • repeat the fsck command if there were errors
  • type reboot

If for some reason you can't do the above...

  • boot to a Ubuntu Live DVD/USB
  • start gparted and determine which /dev/sdaX is your Ubuntu EXT4 partition
  • quit gparted
  • open a terminal window
  • type sudo fsck -f /dev/sdaX # replacing X with the number you found earlier
  • repeat the fsck command if there were errors
  • type reboot

Update #1:

Rebuild initramfs...

In terminal...

  • sudo update-initramfs -c -k 4.13.0-43-generic # update initramfs
  • reboot # to version

Run memtest...

  • Go to http://www.memtest.org or https://www.memtest86.com/ and download/run memtest to test your memory. Get at least one complete pass of all the tests to confirm good memory.