Where can I watch Starcraft/Starcraft 2 matches in South Korea live in person?

I am going to South Korea and would like to go to a taping or studio where they film Starcraft/Starcraft2 matches. Could someone give me some insight in where I could make this happen? I have googled it but havent had any luck. Cheers

Solution 1:

This is actually really hard to find and as soon as I read the question I knew exactly the link I was looking for. Strange.

Anyway, here you go: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=80483

SC2 matches are held here: http://www.gomtv.net/faq/view.gom?conid=60920, but if you want to see SC:BW you'll have to use the above link. MBCGame no longer exists so you'll want to look into OGN to watch SC1 matches.