In "Some statement. This!", what does the "This!" mean? [closed]

I have seen a expression or phrase of the following form:

Some statement. This!

The "This!" seems to be something like an acknowledgement.

Is there a more verbose explanation or translation of it?

Solution 1:

Person A: In the Monty Python sketch, why didn't the woman like spam?

Person B: Have you ever eaten spam? It's horrible! She wanted something without spam.

Person C: It's horrible! This!

What person C is saying is that the statement before "This!" summarises the argument perfectly and that they agree with it 100%. They believe that the statement is sufficient by itself to wrap up the discussion.

From Wiktionary:



(Internet slang) Indicates the speaker's strong approval or agreement with the previous material.

Solution 2:

In internet usage, a bare this usually means, "I could not say this better myself, the previous quote should be considered authoritative.