Can I match an or expression in regex multiple times?

All you need is to add a dash to the character set that follows the big group there. It's currently [\s]; change it to [\s-]:


To match "...Canadian dollars" in addition to "...dollars", add "Canadian dollars" to your current group of (dollars|dollar|USD). Change to

(Canadian dollars|dollars|dollar|USD)

(maybe ([Cc]anadian dollars|... if you don't use /i)

Give you this gift

(?:USD *)?(?:(?P<num1>\$(?:\d+[,.]?)+)(?: *(?P<mod1>(?:(?:hundred|thousand|million|billion|trillion)[ -]*)+)? *(?:(?P<badge1>(canad(?:ian|a) *)?dollars?\b|cent[s.]?\b)?))|(?:(?P<num2>(?:\d+[,. ]?)+)|(?P<txt>\b(?:(?:one|quarter|two|ninety|five|a|half|one|three|twenty)[ -]??)+))(?: *(?P<mod2>(?:(?:hundred|thousand|million|billion|trillion)[ -]*?)+ *)?(?:(?P<badge2>(canad(?:ian|a) *)?dollars?|cent[s.]?)\b)))(?: */ *dollar)?

enter image description here

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