Use of Semicolon in Obituary? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

The Chicago Manual of Style offers these pieces of advice:

6.21 Semicolons within series. When elements in a series involve internal punctuation, or when they are very long and complex, they should be separated by semicolons.

6.60 In a series. When items in a series involve internal punctuation, they should be separated by semicolons.


Is this acceptable usage?

Some of my favorite things to do are camping; playing football and baseball; watching Laurel and Hardy Movies; and traveling.

In the specific case of this example sentence, no it isn't, because the semicolon isn't really necessary. Try blowing it up a bit and the semicolon starts to be more useful:

Some of my favourite things to do are camping with my best friends in isolated, lonely woods; playing football, baseball, eating sausages, offering ridiculous advice on question-and-answer websites; watching Laurel and Hardy, Arnold Schwarznegger, or Sylvester Stallone movies, and travelling to the farthest-flung corners of the globe.